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Tags: Analytical Seminar

Dramatic advances in the understanding of X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) have been made over the past few decades, which have led ultimately to a highly quantitative theory. X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) refers to the oscillatory structure in the x-ray absorption coefficient just above an x-ray absorption edge. This turns out to be a unique signature of a given material; it also depends on the detailed atomic structure and…
Since the 1950s, plastic production has steadily increased with millions of metric tons accumulating in the environment.1 Much of the waste stream is single use plastics, and the need for biodegradable alternatives is pressing. Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), a class of polymers produced by many bacteria as a carbon source, presents a viable biodegradable replacement for many commodity thermoplastics such as polypropylene and polyethylene.…
In 1963 solid-phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) was introduced by Merrifield. Since then, the chemical synthesis of short peptides became routine. However, synthesis of long peptides remains difficult, being time demanding and offering lower yields as the size of the desired chain increases. Likewise, the synthesis of small proteins was not possible until the development of Native Chemical Ligation (NCL), a technique for ligation of peptides to…
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is an in vitro enzymatic method used to amplify specific DNA sequences. The simple concept of PCR relies upon the repeated synthesis of targeted DNA using DNA polymerase enzyme. Conceived by Kary Mullis in 1983, PCR has now become a common and often indispensable technique that is used in clinical laboratory and medical laboratory research for a broad variety of applications including biomedical research and…
Collective behavior is seen in a variety of biological organizations, varying from the collective attack of viruses on bacterial cells to troops of baboons. This may lead to the synchronized oscillations that includes either fire flies or cells being able to synchronize their time clocks. This can be observed with humans as well, where individual cells synchronize into circadian rhythms. Previously, we were able to establish the properties that…
Phytoplankton constitute the base the of the aquatic food web and are a primary driver of biogeochemical processes in the ocean. The concentration of chlorophyll-α ([Chl-α]) were being used as a proxy to quantify phytoplankton activity in ocean. Its concentration in ocean can be obtained through analysis spectral bands variance in remote sensing reflectance measurement(e.g. SeaWIFS Chl-α algorithm), which was widely used for being the most…
The physical and chemical characterization of atmospheric aerosol particles proves challenging due to the nature and complexity of these particles in the atmosphere. The properties of aerosol particles are dependent on a multitude of factors including, but not limited to, the aerosol properties, such as source, morphology, and mixing state, as well as atmospheric influences, such as reactions, transport, and ambient temperature and humidity.…
Apisata Holt1,2, Yajan Yan1,2,3, and Jason Locklin1,2,3 1Department of Chemistry, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, 30602, United States, 2New Materials Institute, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, 30602, United States, 3College of Engineering, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, 30602, United States   Recently, the development of bio-based polymers has attracted considerable attention, due to its compostable and…
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a relatively new cancer treatment modality where light is used to activate photosensitizer molecules to produce toxic radicals.1 Recently, PDT is found to induce anticancer immunity while killing cancer cells. However, the immunity is often not strong enough to prevent systemic tumor control or tumor recurrence.2 To overcome this challenge, anti-cancer immunotherapies are often combined to improve therapeutic…
Chromatography, despite being a technique over a century old, is a staple in modern chemical analysis. Its applications have become so broad since its inception due to developments in instrumentation, such as high-performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography, and equally so due to the chemistries and structures of the stationary phases. Traditional chromatography columns are packed with fine particles of a porous mineral such as…

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