An international conference entitled "Molecular Quantum Mechanics: From Methylene to DNA and Beyond" was held at the University of California-Berkeley May 24-29, 2010 in honor of Professor Fritz Schaefer. Organized by former students and colleagues Professors Rodney Bartlett (University of Florida), Martin Head-Gordon (UC-Berkeley), C. David Sherrill (Georgia Tech) and T. Daniel Crawford (Virginia Tech), the conference included over 60 invited lectures from scientists around the world. The attendees came to honor Schaefer for his outstanding career so far, which has included the publication of over 1250 research articles which in total have been cited more than 45,000 times. His research program has included 57 undergraduate researchers who have published papers with him, 90 successful Ph.D. students, 47 postdoctoral researchers, and 63 visiting professors who have spent time working in his group. Schaefer was on the faculty at Berkeley for 18 years before moving to Georgia. Since 1987 he has been Graham Perdue Professor of Chemistry and Director of the Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry at UGA.