Each Ph.D. student must register for the appropriate section of CHEM 8120-8150 (seminar) every non-summer semester in residence. Furthermore, each Ph.D. student must give two departmental seminars. These seminars must be given and letter-graded as part of CHEM 8120-8150, and the student must receive at least a B grade on each. The grade that is assigned for the seminar course will be based on attendance and participation in discussion of the seminar topics presented. The Graduate Coordinator’s Office will keep track of all passed seminar presentations. The literature seminar is presented first and must be on a literature topic unrelated to the student's research project or any other projects going on in the student's research group. The topic for this literature seminar must be approved in advance by the faculty member in charge of the seminar program The second seminar is on the student's thesis research project.