In consultation with the research advisor, an Advisory Committee consisting of the research advisor and two additional faculty members (all of whom must be members of the Graduate Faculty) must be chosen by the end of the second semester in residence to develop a Program of Study for the student. The Program of Study must include: at least 3 hours of 9300; at least 20 hours of letter-graded graduate courses (not including 9300) (i.e., 6xxx-9xxx courses; and at least 6 hours of 9000. The Preliminary Program of Study must be submitted to the Graduate Program Administrator by the end of the second semester in residence. Courses taken at other institutions that have similar content to UGA courses may fulfill major course requirements in Chemistry subject to approval by the Advisory Committee and the Graduate Coordinator. However, such courses do not count toward the required 30 hours of resident course credit required by the Graduate School. Doctoral students typically take six graded courses of 3 credits each, plus two hours of graded seminar (1 credit each). The specific choice of classes to be included on the Program of Study is determined by the student in consultation with the research advisor, and must be submitted to the student's Advisory Committee for approval. The Advisory Committee should either approve the suggested plan for graduate coursework, or propose changes at the time the Preliminary Program of Study is submitted. The requirement for 30 hours of resident coursework normally includes 20 credit hours of graded coursework plus 10 more hours of 9000 and 9300.