Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Ron Orlando, Professor of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Chemistry and a member of the Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, won this year's Georgia BioBusiness Academic Entrepreneur of the Year Award.
An international conference entitled "Molecular Quantum Mechanics: From Methylene to DNA and Beyond" was held at the University of California-Berkeley May 24-29, 2010 in honor of Professor Fritz Schaefer.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Gregory H. Robinson, Franklin Professor of Chemistry, won this year's Lamar Dodd Creative Research Award for distinguished achievements in any area of the sciences. The award was presented at this year's 31st Annual University of Georgia Research Foundation Awards Banquet, which was held…
Two of our assistant professors, Todd Harrop and Jason Locklin, have each won the prestigious "Career" Award from the National Science Foundation this year.
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Undergraduate inquiries: chemreg@uga.edu
Registration and credit transfers: chemreg@uga.edu
AP Credit, Section Changes, Overrides, Prerequisites: chemreg@uga.edu
Graduate inquiries: chemgrad@uga.edu
Assistant to the Department Head: Donna Spotts, 706-542-1919
Main office phone: 706-542-1919
Main Email: chem-web@franklin.uga.edu
Head of Chemistry: Prof. Jason Locklin